The Supply Chain Day

2024 november 19

A day including presentations, cases and networking opportunities with leading companies

Mark your calendars for November the 19th, when the Supply Chain Day takes center stage. This event stands as Tilburg’s premier Supply Chain gathering, devoted to bridging the gap between students and businesses. Brace yourself for a day rich in formal insights and casual networking opportunities. You’ll interact with prominent companies shaping the Supply Chain landscape. The day will consist of informative presentations, followed by engaging case rounds. And that’s not all – the program includes a lunch and dinner, where you’ll connect with the companies. 

Get ready to explore, learn, and connect at the Supply Chain Day. We’re excited to have you on board!

Last year's participating companies

The location

Day Schedule


The participation fee is 3 euros for Asset members and 5 euros for non members

The dress code at the event is business casual. See this (Dutch) website for some inspiration. Dress to impress!

There is a back up list in case a participant drops out. You might be invited to join the event even if not invited at first. 

Your personal schedule will be e-maild to you. The general schedule of the day can be found on the website under “About the day”.

Participating companies for the upcoming 2023 Supply Chain Day event have already been selected. But feel free to contact us about the 2024 edition of the Supply Chain Day. 

The Willem II stadium has ample free parking space for cars and bikes.

The day will start at 9:30 and end at 18:00/18:30. For more information see the “About the day” tab at the top of the page